Fuck me like that, damn elf!

  • 42568
  • 12:46
  • 54

That young guy dressed as an elf wanted to play his role well, so he sneaked into his neighbor’s milf’s house to steal some of the gifts she had prepared there. But the woman found out, she was bigger than him, so she grabbed him and pushed him against the wall while holding him tightly. Then she ordered him to kneel, and the boy did, shortly after she put her ass in his face for him to lick it. The boy obeyed of course, and after eating her pussy, he tasted her cunt. The most surprising thing was the blowjob that woman gave him, as she held him up and sucked him off for a good while while holding him in her arms. It’s rare to see a woman do something like that.
In the end, they ended up fucking on the sofa until the boy came, she licked all his semen before telling him to leave.

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