His Friend’s Wife Surprises Him Like This

  • 59657
  • 15:49
  • 52

Her husband and that boy were good friends; they used to meet at his house to have a drink and talk about their things. That day he went to look for him, but the man wasn’t there. His wife opened the door. She told him that her husband would take a while to arrive, but that he could wait for him. However, the smirk on that slut’s face caught his attention. Suddenly, while he was waiting, she appeared wearing a very sexy bikini and asked if he liked it. Evidently, he got hard just from seeing her, so he said yes. Then, taking advantage of her husband’s delay, she showed him her tits, and it wasn’t long before she started sucking his cock. He fucked her right there until he finally came inside her pussy.

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