The obese woman spread her legs so I could fuck her

  • 55222
  • 20:04
  • 60

I like fucking fat women, especially if they are obese like this pig. Now when you see the video, you’ll understand why I like overweight mature women so much. She was a total slut, while I was sitting, she started showing me her gigantic tits, she was hot knowing that I was going to fuck her. After a while, she was the one stuffing her breasts in my mouth, then she undressed and got on top of me. She knew she had turned me on and wanted my cock. You don’t say no to a woman like her, she started sucking me, and then I went for all of her huge body. I put her on all fours like a pig and started fucking her.
To my surprise, she then turned around and spread her legs so wide that she left me surprised, I didn’t imagine that a woman of her size could spread like that. It didn’t take me long to empty myself in that slut’s mouth.

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