When She’s the One Asking for Anal

  • 117772
  • 27:20
  • 118

Right from the beginning, she made it clear by repeatedly showing him her anus. If this mature woman liked anything, it was precisely to fuck in the ass. She got on all fours and fingered her own ass. The guy couldn’t take it anymore and approached the woman with his cock rock hard for her to suck it. After the penetration, that busty blonde climbed on top of him and he slid into her pussy. Fucking an older woman like her was fine, but she wanted what she liked the most. And so after a while of fucking, she asked for it again, wanting him to put it in her ass. He pulled out his cock and penetrated her anally while she moaned much more excitedly than before and touched her pussy to feel even more pleasure.
It was too much for him to see the mature woman so horny, so in the end, he pulled out his cock and began to shoot all his cum into her mouth until he was completely empty.


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